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Iori, it's multipurpose bot that cover all your server needs.

From playing music to managing roles and much more!


Let members create voice channels, manage permissions or even play music for them.


Make your server members open tickets for help or report problems. Our system will handle everything for you!


Make your server a safe environment for members, by using our automod system. It includes spam detection, invite blocker and more!


Setup a verification process for your server to ensure that only real members join.

About The Bot

Iori isn't just designed to protect your server but also to enhance its environment. By integrating advanced moderation tools, unique engagement features, and comprehensive support systems, Iori ensures your server remains a safe and vibrant community for all members.

Our innovative approach to server management allows administrators to customize features to fit their specific needs, making Iori the most versatile bot on the market.

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With more than 6 variant command categories, including music playback, event planning, and automated moderation, Iori will make you and your members thoroughly enjoy its presence on your server. Each feature is crafted with precision and care to ensure high-quality performance and reliability.

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Beyond functionality, Iori is backed by a dedicated support team and an active community of users. Whether you need help setting up your server, customizing bot features, or troubleshooting, our team and community are here to support you around the clock.

Join the thousands of servers that have made Iori their bot of choice. Experience the difference in server management, engagement, and security that Iori brings to your Discord experience.

Our Services

24/7 Support

Iori Support team provide 24/7 services, to ensure assistance is available at any time, day or night.

Whether it's troubleshooting technical issues or providing guidance, our team remains dedicated to offering round-the-clock support to meet your needs, no matter the hour.


As we promised, Iori now includes a powerful and strong automod system that make sure to improve your server members experience and make your server the safest place on discord.

Iori provide a variant of commands for you to help you easely manage your server.

Advanced DataBase Structure

Iori Have one of the strongest databases system, that have a refresh rating of 0.21ms.

Our database system allows for easy and fast access to information.

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